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About us

District Meetings

Jan:  Tradition 3,  Host Tradition 5, Kasson

Feb: The Pioneer Club,  1340 3rd St. SE , Rochester, MN

March:  OPEN

April: Peace Group, meeting at Safe Harbor , 2110 US 14 East, Rochester

May: Tradition %, Kasson,  Meeting at Safe Harbor, 2110 US 14 East, Rochester

Officers & Committees 



Committee Chairs:

  • Accessibilities:  Dave M

  • Answering Service:  Open

  • Archives: Larry S (NEW)

  • CPC: Open

  • Corrections: David M

  • Finance: Jason T.

  • Grapevine: Karen B

  • Group Records: Dean

  • Literature: Karen B

  • Professional Contact (CPC): Nate W

  • Public Information: Open

  • Remote Communities: Open

  • Structure:  Cindy S

  • Technology: Tom C

  • Treatment:  Melisa

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About the Committees:

​Accessibilities Committees: explore, develop, and offer resources to alcoholics with significant barriers to receiving the Alcoholics Anonymous message and to participating in our program of recovery.  We want A.A. to be available to all alcoholics who reach out for it.


  • Projects that support members with a variety of accessibility challenges

  • Communications that keep the public and appropriate agencies informed about A.A. accessibility.

  • Providing resources and guidance to groups so that they can accommodate all A.A. members.

Archives Committees work to collect, preserve and share the history of A.A.


  • Conduct A.A. Archives workshops

  • Create portable archives exhibits to display at local A.A. events

  • Ask groups to complete Group History forms to capture local A.A. history

C.P.C. Committees inform professionals and future professionals about A.A.


  • Establishing better communication with professionals working with alcoholics

  • Finding simple, effective ways of cooperating without affiliating

  • Explaining clearly what A.A. does and doesn’t do

Corrections Committees coordinate the work of individual A.A. members and groups to carry the message of recovery to alcoholics who are in custody.


  • Bringing meetings and literature into facilities

  • Raising awareness of the Corrections Correspondence Service (C.C.S.) among "inside" and "outside" A.A. members

  • Helping individuals in custody transition to a local A.A. community through Prerelease Contacts

Finance Committee monitors the district's financial needs,
policies and practices and are responsible for reminding groups of their Seventh Tradition opportunities. 
In cooperation with the Structure Committee, they review and
update the district financial guidelines as needed.

Grapevine/ Literature Committee coordinates the work of
individual A.A. members, groups, and districts to read,
subscribe to and utilize the Grapevine and Grapevine-produced materials. It also
encourages individual A.A. members to contribute written material to the Grapevine for publication. Ensure A.A. literature is available for A.A. groups, service meetings and other A.A. events.


  • Conduct A.A. literature workshops.

  • Provide displays, supplies of A.A. catalogs and order forms.

  • Consider proposed additions to and changes in Conference-approved literature and audiovisual material.


Public Information Committees convey A.A. information to the general public.


  • Giving presentations about A.A to schools and organizations.

  • Providing information about A.A. through digital and print materials.

  • Ensuring local media have accurate information about A.A. through PSAs, anonymity-protected interviews and press kits.


Treatment Committees work to carry the A.A. message into treatment settings where suffering alcoholics, and the professionals who treat them, may be introduced to A.A.


  • Bring the message of hope for recovery to alcoholics in a variety of treatment settings.

  • Demonstrate to administrators and staff “how it works” and are instruments of attraction to the A.A. program.

  • Provide information about A.A., as well as literature and guidelines for setting up A.A. meetings in treatment facilities and outpatient settings.


Remote Communities Committees work to ensure access to A.A. is available to those in underserved or remote communities. Committees focus on overcoming barriers that could make it hard to access the A.A. program – barriers such as geography, language or culture.


  • Organize regular telephone/teleconferencing/videoconferencing A.A. and service meetings with members in remote communities.

  • Identify community resources and leaders within specific ethnic and cultural communities. Provide such culturally significant representatives with PSAs, A.A. literature and presentations to help establish ongoing communication.

  • Make sure there is an A.A. presence in underserved areas — consider starting meetings in communities where none exist.

  • Work directly with existing members in underserved communities to take regular A.A. meetings onto Native American reservations, into inner-city communities, special language enclaves, remote areas, or help set up online meetings and mobile collaborations.

  • Provide regular reports — in accessible formats — of service workshops, district meetings and other service information that will help keep these communities connected to the whole of A.A.

  • Arrange meetings for A.A. members who do not have regular access to A.A. meetings, e.g., in hospitals; rehabilitation centers for those with injuries or physical differences; residences for those with intellectual or information processing challenges; and those in assisted living or skilled nursing facilities.

  • Coordinate Remote Communities workshops at the group, district or Area level.

  • Provide Remote Communities workshops and assistance to people with who need it at conventions, conferences, service weekends, service meetings, special events, etc.

  • Gather local information and identify outside local resources regarding remote communities.

Structure Committee reviews how the district functions internally on a continual basis. the Alternate DCM serves as the Structure Committee Chair.


Technology Committee develops the District Web Site and ensuring the information on the pages are kept current.


PO Box 6821

Rochester, MN


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